Welcome to Rostraver Sewage Authority

Rostraver Township Sewage Authority

  • When paying your bill, please be sure to use the FULL and CORRECT account number to assure proper credit! ...
  • Effective January 1, 2025, the District 1 Base Rate will increase $5.00...
  • In case of an EMERGENCY please call emergency number at 724-610-0029 or 911...
  • Effective January 1, 2025, the District 1 base rate will increase $5.00...
  • Sewage payments must be received on or before the due date. Payments mailed and not received by the office by the due date shall be considered late and will incur late feees...


If you have a sewer back up, please contact the Authority Office, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at (724) 930-7667.

If your back up is in the evening or weekend, please call the emergency phone number at 724-610-0029 or dial 911. Rostraver Township Police Department will contact the RTSA emergency response contact directly.

RTSA GIS Website Administration

RTSA Bill Pay Locations


Mail your coupon and check or money order to the remittance address:

PO BOX 644715
Pittsburgh, PA 15264-4715


Cash, checks, money orders, Visa, Mastercard and Discover
Monday through Friday (8:00 am to 4:00 pm)
CLOSED Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays
***NOTE: the Administration Office does NOT take payments over the phone

Drop Box - Drop your payment (check or money order only please) newly installed Drop Box - ANYTIME

Automatic Withdrawal (ACH)

ACH Form is available on the website www.rostraversewage.com under the forms tab or by calling (724) 930-7667 to request a form

Online Bill Payment

Register online at www.rostraversewage.com and pay your bill with a debit or credit card. You will need to set up an account/password. NOTE you must know your account number to set this up; (IMPORTANT, please include the full account number; including the {-0, -1, -2 etc). You will also need the CID number (5-digit number) These numbers appear on your monthly sewage billing statement in the top right in the green boxes or by contacting the Authority offices.

Rostraver Sewage Authority
1744 Rostraver Road
Rostraver Twp, PA 15012
Phone: 724-930-7667
Fax: 724-930-9401
Site Version: 24.10.01
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