Welcome to Rostraver Sewage Authority

Rostraver Township Sewage Authority

  • When paying your bill, please be sure to use the FULL and CORRECT account number to assure proper credit! ...
  • Effective January 1, 2025, the District 1 Base Rate will increase $5.00...
  • In case of an EMERGENCY please call emergency number at 724-610-0029 or 911...
  • Effective January 1, 2025, the District 1 base rate will increase $5.00...
  • Sewage payments must be received on or before the due date. Payments mailed and not received by the office by the due date shall be considered late and will incur late feees...


If you have a sewer back up, please contact the Authority Office, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm at (724) 930-7667.

If your back up is in the evening or weekend, please call the emergency phone number at 724-610-0029 or dial 911. Rostraver Township Police Department will contact the RTSA emergency response contact directly.

RTSA GIS Website Administration

RTSA Systems Information


Application for Sanitary Sewer Tap In Fees is $4,750; Please see the FORMS tab to complete the application. Note: you can download and print the form, you must submit the completed form to the Administration Office. One Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU) tap is equal to 400 gallons of flow per day upon a 24-hour runoff period rounded to the next highest whole integer.

Proper installation of the Sewer Lateral Connection to your home, please see Lateral Connection Regulations under the FORMS tabs for plans and specifications.


Resident are not permitted to cover sanitary sewer manholes for any reason. In the event of an emergency or during regular maintenance of the system, RTSA or its designated contractor must be able to access manholes at all times. Manholes may not be covered with; DIRT, FENCES, PLANTERS, PLANTS, DECORATIVE ROCKS.

If a manhole is located on your property is currently covered, it is the responsibility of the property owner to uncover immediately. Should RTSA or its designated contractor require access to a manhole on located on your property that has been covered by one of these items, RTSA or its designated contractor are not responsible to replace or repair any such coverings of the manhole (dirt, fences, planters, plants, rocks, etc).


If a MAIN sewer line is located on your property (Owned, operated and maintained by the Rostraver Township Sewage Authority) there is a permanent easement or right of way on your property. In accordance with the RTSA Rules and Regulations, Section 3.8;

Authorized employees of the Authority shall have unlimited access upon reasonable notice, if practicable to the customer's premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection, testing, repair and/or replacement of the sanitary sewer connection, sanitary sewer lateral, main sanitary sewer, manholes and other appurtenances; observation, measurement, sampling and testing of sewage or industrial wastes; and any and all such other justifiable, wastewater related issues in accordance with the Authority's Rules and Regulations.

It shall be unlawful for any person to encroach, impair, obstruct or otherwise interfere with any easement of the Authority without proper notification to, and written authorization of, the Authority.

Routine maintenance of the sanitary system may include televising and cleaning of main sewer lines, rehabilitation projects including lining, open cut and point repairs of sewer lines and the upgrading of manholes throughout the system.


Residents with swimming pools or power washing their home may wish to borrow/rent a Temporary Deduct Meter. These meters measure the amount of water used for non-sanitary sewage at the premise. A credit is given in 500-gallon increments. Rental of the meter is for three (3) days, the cost is $120 (cash or check only) holding fee. Deduct meters may not be reserved, the fee is returned when the undamaged meter is returned. IF the deduct meter is damaged, the credit may not be returned. . Please see the FORMS tab on website to download and print the application form. You must pick up deduct meter at the Administrative Office during regular business hours.

NOTE: RTSA will not honor any swimming pool fill credit requests that did not use a deduct meter. NO EXCEPTIONS

Residents who fill their swimming pools regularly, enjoy a large garden/farm or water lawns may consider installing a permanent (year-round) deduction meter for their residence. The meter is installed on the outside waterline and the water used through this meter will not be charged for sewage. Meters may be purchased at the RTSA Office for a cost of $120 (during regular business hours). Inspection of the deduction meter is required, prior to its being placed into operation. The meters are inspected and read quarterly by RTSA personnel. There is a fee of $45 per year.

Residents are reminded to maintain the area surrounding the deduct meter and/or the outside meter reader. Please keep area free from shrubbery, animal nests, fences, etc. RTSA reads the meter remotely, if the Authority is unable to gain access to the meter, a credit will not be provided.


Grinder pumps shall only be used where connection to the main sewer cannot be accomplished by gravity and shall be subject to approval by RTSA. PRIOR to the installation of any grinder pump, a Grinder Pump Agreement must be entered into and approved by the Authority. Please see the forms tab for a copy of the agreement.

Design of sewers shall be performed in such manner as to minimize conditions under which grinder pumps must be utilized.

Grinder pumps shall be purchased and operated by the property owner. The recommended grinder pump is the E/One Extreme Grinder Pump, Model DH071, as manufactured by Environment One Corporation. The Authority will accept all maintenance responsibilities for E/One grinder pumps pursuant to the property owner entering into a service agreement with the Authority. The installation of all pumps and their operation, maintenance (if not an E/One grinder), and power costs are not the responsibility of the Authority, but that of the property owner.

In general, grinder pump units shall be factory built and tested and shall consist of a grinder pump suitably mounted in a basin constructed of fiberglass or high density polyethylene (HDPE), electrical quick disconnect (NEMA 4X), pump removal system, shut-off valve, anti-siphon valve, and check valve assembled within the basin, remote electrical Alarm/Disconnect Panel, and all necessary internal wiring and controls. The Alarm/Disconnect Panel shall consist of a NEMA 3R, UL listed enclosure suitable for wall or pole mounting. The NEMA 3R enclosure shall be manufactured of thermoplastic to assure corrosion resistance. The Alarm/Disconnect Panel shall include an audio and visual alarm, push-to-run switch, and high level (redundant) pump starting control. Alarm sequence shall be as follows:

  • When liquid level in the sewage wet-well rises above the alarm level, visual and audio alarms will be activated. The contacts on the alarm pressure switch will close. The redundant pump starting system will be energized.
  • The audio alarm may be silenced by means of the externally mounted, push-to-silence button.
  • Visual alarm remains illuminated until the sewage level in the wet-well drops below the "off" setting of the alarm pressure switch.

Visual alarm lamp shall be inside a red fluted lens at least 2-5/8" in diameter and 1-11/16" in height. Visual alarm shall be mounted to the top of the enclosure in such a manner as to maintain NEMA 3R rating.

The audio alarm shall be a printed circuit board in conjunction with an 86 dB buzzer with quick mounting terminal strip mounted in the interior of the enclosure. The audio alarm shall be capable of being de-activated by depressing a push-type switch which is encapsulated in a waterproof silicone boot and mounted on the bottom of the enclosure.

An overflow indicator lamp assembly requiring 120 volts and suitable for remote installation in a standard device box shall be furnished. This indicator shall be mounted on a decorative wall plate 2-3/4" x 4-1/2" and marked "Grinder Pump Monitor." Recommended location of indicator lamp shall be in the kitchen or bathroom and shall be the decision of the homeowner.

The station shall have all necessary penetrations molded in and factory sealed. No field penetrations shall be acceptable.


RTSA has developed a seven-year Capital Improvement Plan which identifies future capital needs of the treatment plant and conveyance sewer system. The Authority and the Engineer continue to explore funding opportunities to assist in the maintenance and operation of the Pollock Run Wastewater Treatment Plant to meet all DEP discharge requirements.


Rostraver Sewage Authority
1744 Rostraver Road
Rostraver Twp, PA 15012
Phone: 724-930-7667
Fax: 724-930-9401
Site Version: 24.10.01
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